Jüri Lina was born in 1949 in Soviet-occupied Estonia. He was banned from journalistic work in 1975 and then worked as a night watchman until he was forced to emigrate in 1979 after repeated confrontations with the political police, KGB. Since 1979 he is a resident of Sweden. In 1985, according to documents recently made available, political charges were made in Soviet Estonia against Jüri Lina in his absence. He was accused of high treason in connection with the publication of two books – “Sovjet hotar Sverige” (“The Soviet Threat against Sweden”) and “Öised päevad” (“Nightly Days”). The KGB regarded him as one of the most anti-communist writers in Sweden.

A new film, “The Fake World”, was  released in October 2018.

Jüri Lina has  published many articles in several countries, as well as the following books:


Ufotutkimuksesta Neuvostoliitossa” (Helsinki, 1979)
Öised päevad” (Stockholm, 1983)
Sovjet hotar Sverige” (Stockholm, 1983, 1984)
UFO-forskning i Sovjetunionen” (Stockholm, 1984)
Kommunisternas heliga krig” (Stockholm, 1986)
Bakom Gorbatjovs kulisser” (Stockholm, 1987)
UFO-gåtan fördjupas” (Stockholm, 1992)
Under Skorpionens tecken” (Stockholm, 1994, 1999, 2013)
Mida Eesti ajakirjandus pelgab?” (Stockholm, 1996)
Skorpioni märgi all (Stockholm, 1996, 1998, 2003)
Mõistatuslikkuse kütkeis (Tallinn, 1996)
Sovjetiskt inflytande in Sverige” (Stockholm, 1997)
Under the Sign of the Scorpion (Stockholm, 1998, 2002, 2014)
Filmikunsti väljenduslikkusest (Stockholm, 1998)
Varjatud tervisevalem (Stockholm, 1999, 2009, 2011, 2015, 2016)
”Världsbyggarnas bedrägeri” (Stockholm, 2001, 2007)
Maailmaehitajate pettus (Stockholm, 2003, 2004)
Architects of Deception” (Stockholm, 2004)
Dem Skorpiona Zimes” (Valmiera, 2005)
Eemaldumine Kartaagosse (Stockholm, 2006),
”Arhitecţii înşelăciunii” (Bukarest 2014).
“Estnisk-svensk ordbok” (Stockholm, 2014) together with Maie Vinter.

“Sous le signe du Scorpion” (Dublin, 2016),

“Bajo el Signo del Escorpión” (Dublin, 2016).

“ПОД ЗНАКОМ СКОРПИОНА” (Stockholm, 2016)

“Rokiajastu resonatsid” (2018)

Jüri Lina has published several films as well:


The Emissaries of Jahbulon (2005)
In English


In the Shadow of Hermes:
The Secrets of Communism (2009)
In Swedish with English subtitles.


The Glutton Ouroboros:
The Cunning Masonic Tactics (2011)
In Swedish with Estonian subtitles.


Masonic and Communist Intrigues in Spain  (2012)
In Swedish with English subtitles.


Amongst the Magic Melodies
The Musical Legacy of Toivo Kurmet (2013)
In Estonian with Swedish subtitles


“The Janus Effect: The Slaves of Baal” was released on 1 May 2015.
In Swedish with English subtitles.


“The Labyrinth of Illusions” (2016).

In Swedish with English subtitles.


“The Fake World” (2018)

In Swedish with English subtitles.